How long do you have in school? and how the method your teacher teach? Apparently all this time In the process of learning is done in schools as long as there are two differences in methods Used. They are the traditional teaching and progressive teaching. And from both methods are divided into four levels, that are the spiritual level, the normative level, the formal level and the material level.
The first is the spiritual level, this level is the highest level of the 4 other level. At this level explain the spiritual, the future, the vision, goals, and way of life. Without the spiritual, whatever lessons we can it will feel empty, the learning done to get the whole human beings, from the moral and intellectual should be balanced.
The second is the normative level, this level explained about the law education system, Decree, the paradigm of education, and the theory of education. In this level of visible differences between traditional teaching and progressive teaching. In traditional teaching, teachers just teach and teach, give and transfer knowledge. Pupils were seen as an empty object that must be filled with knowledge and become passive. While the progressive teaching, students are given the opportunity to be active, to grow according to their ways, and construct their own knowledge. Here the teacher only as a facilitator and encouragement in the development of learning. In the past, traditional teaching is determined by the National Exam, but pda progressive teaching, determined by base classroom assessment, and the base of the process.
The next level is the formal level, the formal level to explain about books, curriculum, and syllabus. Traditional teaching only textbook-oriented, but in teaching the Progressive was developed by a teacher with appropriate competence of students. And curriculum are used in traditional teaching curriculum in 1975 and 1980 and for the present progressive teaching curriculum using KTSP.
The last the level is the the level of material, at this level be explained about the condition of the class, teach content, students, and physical condition of the building. In the traditional teaching of always using the same method, namely to explain, give examples, and gives task. But in the progressive use varied teaching methods and contextual with the students and materials.
It was an explanation about difference between traditional teaching and progressive teaching, as our teacher candidates should be able to become a progressive teacher for the development of learners.
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